

C3UG Blog

Summary of the AppDev Pack Roundtable

On March 29 C3UG hosted a roundtable meeting for people from the Community and HCL to talk about how they use the Domino AppDev Pack, and what they would like to see in the future. Key participants from HCL included Thomas Hampel, Barry Rosen and Dan Dumont, but there were more. Many of the attendees are already using the AppDev Pack in their applications and are excited about it and the possibilities it brings to their businesses.

This was the first in a series of roundtables and presentations on the topic of building apps in Domino and the tools and techniques available to us as developers.

The idea for this roundtable came from a conversation the C3UG team had with some people at HCL in late 2020 about the AppDev Pack where we were sharing some insights we had gained from people who were taking our free course on how to get started using the AppDev Pack. There are cases where HCL (and previously IBM) do not receive feedback from the Community on features in the Domino product suite, and HCL asked if we could organize a forum to discuss the AppDev Pack and how people are using it.

Overall it was a very good discussion, with HCL taking the opportunity to ask some specific questions about use cases participants on the call brought up. We began the call with a set of poll questions to help direct the conversation, and the results of those questions are what we would like to share in this post as they are very insightful.

We also had a presentation by C3UG member Heiko Voigt on two open source projects his team is working on for the AppDev Pack. The first is a module that allows developers to interact with the AppDev Pack using C# as the development language. The second is an NSF based tool to help manage all of the certificates involved in making the AppDev Pack work. Watch the demo presentation here. These projects will be submitted to OpenNTF to be freely available to the Community shortly.

C3UG would like to thank everyone for their participation. Watch for upcoming roundtables in the near future.

Graham Acres